

Mémoires Vives : Création contemporaine et patrimoine, MAHF, Musée d'art et d'histoire Fribourg in collaboration with Visarte/Fribourg

(click here to watch the movie) 


Hafis & Mara, a movie by Mano Khalil

(click here to watch the movie trailer) 


Dix Fenêtres Cascades, Performance at Château de Grignon, near Versailles

(click here to watch the video) 


Happening 77, Château de Gruyères 

(click here to watch the video) 

2004 Jacqueline Surchat, Hafis l'artiste nomade, produced by Hugo Corpataux
2001 Hafis et Thomas Jenatsch, Broadway Smokestack Trail, VHS
1997 John Kiergaard, Hafis’ Volcano Fire Dragon, VHS
1996 Marty Welch, Yellowstone Symphony (final version) Spring-Summer-Autumn-Winter, VHS
1995 Junichi Uchida, Nippon Dragon, VHS
1995 Hafis, Texas Visions + Big Bend National Park, VHS
1992 Hafis, Florida from above, VHS
1990 Jorge Sanin, Mamimi Project, Kean College, New Jersey, VHS
1990 Marty Welch, Mamimi Project / Panta Rhei, VHS
1988 Benoît de Reyff, Sarine, VHS
 1987 Benoît de Reyff, Infgane, VHS

